Tech Summit 2024

Tech Summit and Researcher Sync-Up is a two-day event focused on electronic crime with a research and interdisciplinary programme consisting of invited keynotes, interactive panels, and chalk-talk sessions. The event’s objective is to bring together academic researchers from multiple disciplines, industry security practitioners, government representatives, and law enforcement officials to discuss and exchange ideas, experiences and lessons learned while combating cybercrime from a polyhedric perspective.

This year’s programme includes a chalk-talk lab session “the Researchers’ Sync-Up”. Sync-Up is a moderated chalk-talk where leading investigators and interdisciplinary innovators discuss their next five years of cybercrime research. Why is this research needed? What is lacking to commit to this direction? Sync-Up enables big ideas to find the investigators with the tools, will and data to drive cybercrime research into the future. Interaction, discussion, and multidisciplinary collaborations will be fostered. Focus areas for Sync-Up include but are not limited to: metrics and categorization schema; data exchange and data logistics challenges; and unchartered behavioral questions in cybercrime research.

Important Dates

Papers submission: August 5, 2024
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August, 30, 2024
Authors registration: September 6, 2024
Conference data: November 6-7, 2024

Submission Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Electronic crime research and innovation
  • Cryptocurrency and related cybercrime, tools, and responses
  • Artificial Intelligence in Cybercrime and its prevention
  • Case studies of current attack methods, including phishing, malware, rogue antivirus programs, pharming, crimeware, botnets, and other emerging techniques.
  • Technical, legal, political, social and psychological aspects of electronic crime and its prevention.
  • Malware, botnets, cybercriminal/phishing gangs, or money laundering.
  • Cybersecurity in specific markets: financial services, e-commerce, health, energy & supplies.
  • Techniques to avoid detection, tracking and take-down; proactive ways to counteract such techniques.
  • Designing and evaluating user interfaces with fraud and network security in mind.
  • Behavioral aspects of cybercrime resilience and susceptibility in ICT users.
  • Best practices for detecting and preventing damage to critical internet infrastructure.
  • The economics of online crime.

Submission Types

  • Regular papers: max 12 pages of practical and/or theoretical content describing advances in the fight against Electronic Crime and any of the topics listed in the CFP.
  • Position papers/Session and Panel proposals: max 6 pages with content where authors discuss their opinions on Electronic Crime related fields. Discussion on regulations, policies, draft standards, and similar topics to foster discussion are welcome.
  • Short papers/Posters: max 6 pages of practical and/or theoretical content describing unfinished, ongoing research with preliminary (not yet conclusive) results.
  • Chalk-talk papers: max 4 pages with research ideas for principal investigators and motivated researchers willing to explore collaborations and looking for synergies in Electronic Crime related fields. Interdisciplinary proposals are particularly welcome. These papers are aimed at fostering collaboration, discussing groundbreaking ideas, and forging lasting research collaborations amongst the attendees.
Welcome to the APWG.EU Tech Summit and Researchers Sync-Up 2024 (Tech Summit 2024) submissions site. For general conference information, see


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Deadline: Monday Aug 5, 2024, 12 AM CEST